50 replies to "African grey Parrot tells dogs to ‘Lay down!’ funny"
I must get a parrot one day…
Dawnea Schollmeyer
I had a timneh african grey I sure miss him, it sounds like you snap your
fingers before you tell your dog to lay down. It is a sound the bird makes
before saying lay down to the dog. lol
That is awesome!
aww so cute!
the more attention the less plucking, i like your cage.
Brenda Underhill
Also Avianbiotec has a test you can do your self sometimes plucking is a
sign of a disease that they can transmit to your other birds
does ur bird bite alot becouse mine is nice to me but hates me mum
What is her name?
@mommy4jesus88 oh that’s a relief, thanks for the information, I believe I
am in a good condition of staying home, and I’d like to gfet one as a baby,
so it can grow to like my family and I. But hopefully i can find a cheap
baby in my community… I was at Petsmart today, and saw the African Grey
guide plan (I guess thats what you can call it?) saying it needs 2 hours of
minimum interaction. Which I believe I can do!! I cannot ever leave a bird
in it’s cage the whole day! Thanks a lot!!!
Please. Teach him to say giggidy.
@mommy4jesus88 That is crazy my friend’s mom had an African Grey and an
abused Blue Faced Amazon she saved.
How cute! My CAG also plucks in much the same places as your baby. They’re
such amazing animals. XD
He needs to work on his grammar – it’s LIE down
lady:ur silly bird says to self: wow she just did not say that to me did she
That is exactly the same with my bird. I have a sulphur crested cookatoo
named Ricky. He loves me but he screams and runs away from my mum!
bird-,Lay Down!, now i dance for my earned victory, -nodding and dancing
this dog has been watching Dog whisperer!
Lawrence Kavanagh
God bless lovely caring angels like you . . . :)x
Azalea Mist
Could your bird use some more toys? She is cute though!
it looks like she’s in a better home now, she’s very cute 🙂
S Song
omg Ive neevr seen a parrot speaking so clearly before. How did you teach
Callum Plant
Reminds me of an african grey we had when i was like 4-5 but i loved him so
much, the poor guy got aerosaculatis (sever raspatory infection, he caught
it from a the pet shop. Age 4) and passed away 2 days after christmas. Its
the last time my family bought any bird from a pet shop. I still miss the
little guy. Never forgotten,loved forever, Pablo the african grey and
cassie the green cheaked conure.
Sounds likea man’s voice coming out of that parrot! Wow!
Stacy Willoughby
She is beautiful in spite of her plucking. And knows so many words! Smart
bird. Wonderful companion. I really love her, plucking or not.
angiecat barretthanson
I’m so sorry about your bird! We had one but had to give her to some other
lady because her bird died and my parents felt bad! I loved my bird! We
named her Sunny because she lit up our house with happiness! Never
forgotten still missed and loved!
Brandon Torres
This is incredible
I know that look, she wanted to get onto your shoulder. I still visit my
ex-girlfriend’s African grey and for almost two hours that’s all she wants,
just to be on my shoulder and preen her feathers. I may not love the
girlfriend any more, but I still love the bird. In fact I still bring her
new toys all the time. 😀
Hunter McCormick
i like how he bobs his head im trying to teach my african gray that
Our CAG has the same house! So cute!
my grandpa has one of them the name is otis
Kennedy Smith
lol its so random randomits an awkward silence then hi
Royal Marescott
He made a snapping sound with his mouth lmaoo
scruffy bird but funny
African Greys are notorious for being able to almost perfectly mimic a
persons voice. Great for sneaking out of the house, replaces the Ferris
Bueller recorder trick lol
1:07 “lay down” *cute little dance*
Brooke Jaye
“Did you tell me to lay down?” Parrot: *nodding* EHEEHEEEHEHE
My parents have an African Grey, and he calls both dogs and the cat by
name. None of them ever come to him, but it doesn’t seem to deter his
mohamed abraar
yes, watching videos, made me get one, and after 1 yr i dont know what
happend, my apartment is a small zoo, and now owning a pet shop, all my
college years gone to waste.
Maiden Of Wolves
I can’t believe no one else noticed that the parrot’s also mimicking the
lady snapping her fingers just before… Amazing!
Peanuts are dangerous to feed. They are known to cause Aspergillious
infection in parrots. I used to feed my Grey these until I found this out.
Doesn’t matter if they’re human grade or not. Please switch to another nut.
I give a few different ones, but peanuts are off the list after a few Greys
of friends got sick and the vet said the infection came from the peanuts.
Please look this up. More toys, too! Preening toys, and a vet check to make
sure it’s not illness.
LOL even does the snapping sound before. Snap, Lay down lol awwww
Emma TheMuffin
😮 I have that same cage
She is so gorgeous! I have a male that I rescued and he was so poorly
mistreated that he just about looked like a bald chicken when I got him,
now though omg hes beautiful finally growing back feathers and easy to
handle when before you couldn’t pick him up. He still has some recovering
to do but the work with him has been so successful and I love him more then
I could ever describe, Greys are amazing and with the love and time they
can become your best friend!
that bird is such a poser lol
her feathers seem a bit scruffy. Is she molting? Nice cage BTW just what a
parrot needs
50 replies to "African grey Parrot tells dogs to ‘Lay down!’ funny"
I must get a parrot one day…
I had a timneh african grey I sure miss him, it sounds like you snap your
fingers before you tell your dog to lay down. It is a sound the bird makes
before saying lay down to the dog. lol
That is awesome!
aww so cute!
the more attention the less plucking, i like your cage.
Also Avianbiotec has a test you can do your self sometimes plucking is a
sign of a disease that they can transmit to your other birds
0:06 – 0:27 spider parrot spider parrot hes a cute spider perrot
Lay down *Head Bob* lol
does ur bird bite alot becouse mine is nice to me but hates me mum
What is her name?
@mommy4jesus88 oh that’s a relief, thanks for the information, I believe I
am in a good condition of staying home, and I’d like to gfet one as a baby,
so it can grow to like my family and I. But hopefully i can find a cheap
baby in my community… I was at Petsmart today, and saw the African Grey
guide plan (I guess thats what you can call it?) saying it needs 2 hours of
minimum interaction. Which I believe I can do!! I cannot ever leave a bird
in it’s cage the whole day! Thanks a lot!!!
Please. Teach him to say giggidy.
@mommy4jesus88 That is crazy my friend’s mom had an African Grey and an
abused Blue Faced Amazon she saved.
How cute! My CAG also plucks in much the same places as your baby. They’re
such amazing animals. XD
He needs to work on his grammar – it’s LIE down
lady:ur silly bird says to self: wow she just did not say that to me did she
That is exactly the same with my bird. I have a sulphur crested cookatoo
named Ricky. He loves me but he screams and runs away from my mum!
bird-,Lay Down!, now i dance for my earned victory, -nodding and dancing
this dog has been watching Dog whisperer!
God bless lovely caring angels like you . . . :)x
Could your bird use some more toys? She is cute though!
it looks like she’s in a better home now, she’s very cute 🙂
omg Ive neevr seen a parrot speaking so clearly before. How did you teach
Reminds me of an african grey we had when i was like 4-5 but i loved him so
much, the poor guy got aerosaculatis (sever raspatory infection, he caught
it from a the pet shop. Age 4) and passed away 2 days after christmas. Its
the last time my family bought any bird from a pet shop. I still miss the
little guy. Never forgotten,loved forever, Pablo the african grey and
cassie the green cheaked conure.
Sounds likea man’s voice coming out of that parrot! Wow!
She is beautiful in spite of her plucking. And knows so many words! Smart
bird. Wonderful companion. I really love her, plucking or not.
I’m so sorry about your bird! We had one but had to give her to some other
lady because her bird died and my parents felt bad! I loved my bird! We
named her Sunny because she lit up our house with happiness! Never
forgotten still missed and loved!
This is incredible
I know that look, she wanted to get onto your shoulder. I still visit my
ex-girlfriend’s African grey and for almost two hours that’s all she wants,
just to be on my shoulder and preen her feathers. I may not love the
girlfriend any more, but I still love the bird. In fact I still bring her
new toys all the time. 😀
i like how he bobs his head im trying to teach my african gray that
Our CAG has the same house! So cute!
my grandpa has one of them the name is otis
lol its so random randomits an awkward silence then hi
He made a snapping sound with his mouth lmaoo
scruffy bird but funny
African Greys are notorious for being able to almost perfectly mimic a
persons voice. Great for sneaking out of the house, replaces the Ferris
Bueller recorder trick lol
1:07 “lay down” *cute little dance*
“Did you tell me to lay down?” Parrot: *nodding* EHEEHEEEHEHE
My parents have an African Grey, and he calls both dogs and the cat by
name. None of them ever come to him, but it doesn’t seem to deter his
yes, watching videos, made me get one, and after 1 yr i dont know what
happend, my apartment is a small zoo, and now owning a pet shop, all my
college years gone to waste.
I can’t believe no one else noticed that the parrot’s also mimicking the
lady snapping her fingers just before… Amazing!
Peanuts are dangerous to feed. They are known to cause Aspergillious
infection in parrots. I used to feed my Grey these until I found this out.
Doesn’t matter if they’re human grade or not. Please switch to another nut.
I give a few different ones, but peanuts are off the list after a few Greys
of friends got sick and the vet said the infection came from the peanuts.
Please look this up. More toys, too! Preening toys, and a vet check to make
sure it’s not illness.
LOL even does the snapping sound before. Snap, Lay down lol awwww
😮 I have that same cage
She is so gorgeous! I have a male that I rescued and he was so poorly
mistreated that he just about looked like a bald chicken when I got him,
now though omg hes beautiful finally growing back feathers and easy to
handle when before you couldn’t pick him up. He still has some recovering
to do but the work with him has been so successful and I love him more then
I could ever describe, Greys are amazing and with the love and time they
can become your best friend!
that bird is such a poser lol
her feathers seem a bit scruffy. Is she molting? Nice cage BTW just what a
parrot needs
Step up
0:40 is when he tells the day to lay down.
:44 *snap* lay down!