Welcome to Volume 1 of Birbversity—Teach Your Parrot to Talk! A New Parrot Town TV Limited Series. Designed to not only encourage your bird to talk, but also to associate what is being said to what is being done in the video with added onscreen text and gentle chimes to indicate a new word or phrase is about to be spoken. *Please Note: Parrots are extremely intelligent and independent. Not all parrots (no matter what species you care for) will choose to talk. My hope is that this series can be an added tool to your bird training toolbox that will hopefully entertain, encourage, and enrich.
A BIG Thank You to our very special Macaw friends (Chloe & Arya) for requesting this special series. As I’m told, they have learned many words from the Parrot Town birds themselves so far via our livestreams on our channel page YouTube.com/ParrotTown
We hope they and many birdies out there will enjoy this little series 😀
*Voice-over performed by me, the Parrot Town birds guardian
*Parrot Sounds, Video graphics, and All other aspects performed and created by Parrot Town.
Thank You So Much for Watching!
18 replies to "Birbversity [Vol. 1] Teach Your Parrot To Talk | Parrot Town TV for Your Bird Room"
❤️If you would like to play this video as a loop for continuous play (and our future Birbversity videos) you can play it from our Birbversity playlist and select the loop icon (looks similar to this *without the blue background 🔁) Birbversity Playlist 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0nnpdNGcH0&list=PLBV9v5mFzsjf3GDNlLhH8S9ADUHdJcmuC
OR just add it to your own custom playlist for your bird and select the loop option 😊
I love teaching my budgie new words and phrases. So far he can say
"Pretty boy"
"Good boy"
"Idris is a good boy"
"Give me a kiss". And his most recent one "merry christmas"
Now teaching him to say "love you" "little bugger" and his address
Background is way too loud!
Why not have no noise in back ground as it's to noisy for anyone to listen to even me
I'm trying to get my parakeet to talk as he sure is noisy but I'd love to hear him say hello and alittle tiny more
I got my little conure in the summer when the pandemic started and have been using Parrot Town TV to keep him entertained and happy when I have class or am cleaning. Garrett (my conure) loves this channel. I am so happy this happy place exists!!!!!!!!
Thank you for these videos! My ringneck loves it! And it keeps whistling and sending kisses to your birds 😅
I love these birds, I listen to them with my Amazon parrot nearly every day. I love the one who says "hey birdie" 🤣 must be the African Grey I bet. Birds are awesome!
Awe….such a nice video. My Umbrella Cockatoo has quite the vocabulary… its amazing how intelligent these beautiful creatures are. Jake and I actually have conversations… He's so smart and picks up words very quickly…. out of nowhere he will say " I love you" and it melts my heart 💜
This is just so adorable! ♡ I love these all parrots 🦜 ❤
I am subscribed 👍🏼✋🏼
Hello ParrotTV. Over the past month my African Grey Timnah (Colonel) has been obsessed with your videos and we put them on every evening and he is immediately so interested and settled. (And although we put them on for him, we also love watching your gorgeous birds do their thing! I could watch for hours!) I have read a comment of yours on a previous video saying your birds are free to go around the house. This is the same for Colonel, he has a big tree he spends most of his time on although he is free to go wherever he likes. My question is how do you deal with the poop and food mess? Your trees always look SO clean and I’m wondering if you have a method of it not going all on the floor (especially all the seeds etc).
Also one last question- one of your birds seem to say a word on repeat that sounds like ‘colonel’! I know none of your birds have that name so it might not be that exact word. But we have kept an eye to figure out who is saying it but we just can’t spot it!! 😂
Thanks so much, your videos are great!!!
I love this, thank you!
This is so cute! 💚
So very cute cute 🥰
This is beyond cute!
Batbird must be involved in this. 🤔
because the live only presents bird wings in one place 😴😴