Hier een poging van mij om de grijze roodstaart papegaai te tekenen met potlood en pen/stift, vervolgens met aquarel verf in te kleuren en wederom door middel van tekenen hem/haar bij te werken… dit is de papegaai die ik maak hieronder http://youtu.be/fJHC7nP8ih8

Here an attempt to make the African Grey Parrot first drawing is with pencil and pen/marker, then with Watercolour coloring and again some drawing to work some more on him/her…
this is the parrot I made http://youtu.be/fJHC7nP8ih8

    12 replies to "Grey Parrot, Grijze Roodstaart, Mixed Media Art by 69bonesz"

    • Katheen Miller

      Hey bonesz, that seemed a difficult angle to paint this bird. But again u
      did it beautifully .and kitty says, Oh Yummy. Thanks for sharing….

    • 6feetunderwaterwithbatman

      Another masterpiece, thanks for sharing catwomen, ,bigthumbs-up, hope u
      have a good day poof I’m gone 

    • Ron Sovine

      That’s a handsome bird.very well done,I love to draw especially animals,I
      use charcoal and pencil with needed eraser.no time to sit and try again but
      I do a lot of coloring with my daughter Samantha,mostly cats she loves cats
      and cartoons,but some day when things are slow and kids are older,I will
      have a spin at it again,very nice pieces you do

    • La Geur en Interieur

      I like it. A saw it when i was whit you! Verry Nice! Great job. 

    • tama tam

      Sehr schön die Haltung des Papageis gefällt mir sehr gut gut getroffen 🙂
      (sorry bin so schlecht in tippen darum in deu )

    • Ricky Kenerly Cichlids

      I like your aspect you put on the parrot! It is a really cool style!

    • young skywalker aka 2 tanks

      awesome looks real good 69 

    • PsychedelicBabe

      That’s awesome +69bonesz

    • Dendrochirus zebra

      Beautiful painting! also one of my favorite african parrots :)

    • Erik Wappa

      Zo he jij bent goed met die ogen zeg.!

    • Melody und Familie

      Ein schönes Kunstwerk :-)

    • Fernanda Campos

      Very good…..like very much your artwork & clip!!! 🙂 Nice weekend!

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