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This is Phoenix my African Grey Parrot doing animal noises & beat boxing. She just turned 3 in August.
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This is Phoenix my African Grey Parrot doing animal noises & beat boxing. She just turned 3 in August.
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49 replies to "Phoenix My Amazing African Grey Parrot Doing Animal Noises & Beat Boxing"
Would love to own a bird like this but I totally appreciate the time and
dedication you need to spend with an animal like this…wow you have done
well with your bird and have enjoyed watching this :)
she is so smart
the head bopping reminds me of quagmire xD thumbs up if you agree
Great video. I can tell you have devoted a lot of time to her. 🙂
This is too adorable. Mine won’t do anything yet. What’s ur secret?
You are so right .I have 2 african greys and my salena the female does not
want to talk much at all but if you look at my Gilligan the boy OMG he
never shuts up .I can teach him something in a week and he learns it so
fast Take a look at my Gilligan on my you tube here
i love her chicken impression
My two African grey dance swell lol
Super cool footage!
very gorgeous bird we just got a male AG from some people who were
mistreating him he is only 7 months old and very lovable despite being
mistreated very good natured around the kids and everything hates our
french mastiff tho he growls at her lol but very gentle
How about a wolf? Nods head Are you a monkey? Bock bock bock bock Lol I
love this parrot XD
how did you teach him to awnser to what you want thats amazing!!
So sorry to hear your sad story. I don’t know how people can be so cruel
with break ups. Regardless of how you feel about each other you should have
enough respect to let them visit the ones they love. Stupid people. I hope
the bird is in good hands at least. I’d love to hear if you found a baby to
call your own. It’s been a few years so I’d hope so lol
She’s adorable… I can see that you have given her a lot of time,love &
care.. My Zak who is now 3 beat boxes,animal noises & swears far to
much,he’s difficult to film though as soon as he sees the camera he shuts
up,ive even tried secret filming,cant fool him though hence my clips of him
are when he was very young.. Its so nice to see a healthy happy African
Grey.. thanks for sharing 🙂
HHahaaa ..very cute. I have an african grey tooo….they r soo adorable
lmao i love that grey xD i have 1 too ^^
I want that bird!!
thats sad that she did that i would take her to court because its your bird
not hers! but itll be ok atleast you can make a new relationship with a
different bird!
never knew they were so smart!
If your still looking for a new baby… I can’t recommend enough Joe &
Mary’s Parrot Place. You can find them on google. I got my Timneh grey
there and she is a wonderful and sweet girl. (she was also dna tested) They
have Congo’s too. all their baby birds have such wonderful personalities.
Best of Luck in your search. Your X-gf had NO right to take YOUR bird. She
actual stole her. If she was a gift to you, she had no legal right to take
her. Best wishes in getting her back
obvously she’s done it before.
i like the monkey call
super cute!
That Is why Congo African greys are the smartest parrot in the world. if
anyone does not believe me look it up on line. beautiful baby you got there
keep it up and no telling how far your bird will go.
wow what an amazing parrot.
lol thats funny my name is pheonix lol and that was really cool
Awww, what a sweetie! She’s very beautiful :).
This bird is gorgeous and as someone else has said she was a gift and is
therefore legally yours. Do everything in your power to get your Grey back
– she must miss you like crazy as Greys tend to be one person birds. Your
ex is being cruel to the bird by keeping it from you and she is being cruel
to you. Hope your next girlfriend treats you with respect – your old one
sounds like a psycho.
lmao!!! LOVE the monkey! that is ZEEEEE best ever!!! she is awesome =)
nice training :p
@one97hotss Will this technique work with a blue and gold macaw?
dude thats so awsome
You: How about a wolf ? Parrot: (dancing like crazy) XDD
Very good job, I see you have a way with animals, nice to see
You should have taken you ex to court…animals (alto we love them as
children) are considered property….if she was a gift as you said then she
was your property, plus with the fact you were the primary care taker in
the birds lifet…you would have never lost the case… Sorry for your
lost….take her to court
Awesome Video! I’ve enjoyed watching it!
How old is she ? Mine is only 19 weeks but can whistle Woot-Woow and say
hello a little.. Ive just had it sexed and still awaiting to see what it
is.. Hope its a boy !! Great Parrots, Very Intelligent and very tame !
What a smart bird, how long does it take to train one this well? Everyday
training, I assume, but approx. how long for?
I have 1to 🙂
Are you a money? Hahahahahah mms:) (made.me.smile)
I wang one soooooooo bad xD
she is so smart
So cuteeee! I want an CAG one day. For now I’m sticking with a GCC that I
will be getting in March.
Smart bird:)
:O That african grey is amazing! (Y)
Lol cool