8 Minutes in the Life of a Talking Green Cheek Conure
Warning: He says "peekaboo" a lot.
Leer je vogel praten: https://birdbox.nl
Carma Turner
Green Cheek Conure Talking & Sounds | Talking Parrot
Green Cheek Conure Talking & Sounds | Talking Parrot.
▶ The following product links may be helpful for bird owners.
Food Bowl: https://amzn.to/3bsrJoF
Life Tree Perch: https://amzn.to/33IJhsb
Travel Bird Cage: https://amzn.to/33IP9C3
Rope Ladder Bird Toy:
Cathy Blay
Trello Talks to Mom (Green Cheek Conure)
Mom put on Christmas music and Trello started singing to it. Since he was being social, Mom decided to record it.
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Julianne Smallwood