4 months after the first Conversation submission, Morning times Tui tends to focus on our morning rituals (coffee, dance and shower) but there are some aspects of greater understanding, four months after the first video. Tui shows African Greys have intelligence
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50 replies to "Talking African Grey Parrot: An intelligent conversation with Tui, See how smart Parrots are"
I love this bird, she puts a smile on my face everyday. It sucks not
knowing what happened to her. Whoever has her or knows anything about what
happened to her. Let the world know please. We would all be happy to know
shes is still alive and making someone laugh.
Lmfao “Shit, I’ll kick your arse”
Honestly I find that if you let them bite you then they stop trying to, and
over years this has an a cumulative effect,
But don’t give them a limp finger, try to flex a fist sort of, so it
doesn’t hurt.
Wow what a smart bird. First responding to “what happens when you squeal”
with a question back, “What happens?” and then answering the question “you
go in cage”.
You can actually have a conversation with an animal. That’s fantastic!
They start talking, I suppose, when they are able, like kids. My gray
started at about 4 months. One other person here had one talk at three
months. It will surprise the hell out of you one day when the word comes
from your bird, and it will SOUND JUST LIKE YOU! Scary. I’m taking a clue
from someone here, and showing this to my gray; he’s fascinated by Tui. I
wonder if he can tell she’s a girl while on TV?
these guys are smarter than some niggers that i’ve seen
I watched all of Tuis videos a few years ago, and i cried and cried when he
went missing. i am still sad for you. Have you got another bird now?
A british speaking parot lol
australian accent LOL
I didn’t know Michael Cain was into parrots.
I love This video! What a smart Grey you have, I love this part ” I am
looking for the hurricanes and tornadoes”….”OH shit!!!” lol My Grey
calypso loves watching this video 🙂 Hopefully she will talk as well as
Tui! She is only 11 months now 😉
What a sweetheart!!!! I also have an African Grey. They really have an
understanding that is beyond even some people….. You have a beautiful Tui
lol too cute
“I’m just having a look for the hurricanes and tornadoes.” OH SHIT!!! OH
SHIT!!! OOOOH SHHIT! That part cracks me up every time, and I also love how
she says “Sure!”
She’s pretty smart! You can see how she reasons with her limited
vocabulary, except sometimes she seems to be fighting with herself to not
screech or anything else.
“There have been a lot of hurricanes and tornadoes.” “Oh, shit!” That’s may
favorite part. XD
what do you teach ur bird? did tui say “Dont shit or i kick your ass”?
Tui is amazing…….My Grey is smart, but Tui has her beat! Love the long
sentences and interaction
My bird Congo said her first words at 3 months! She is 7 months now, and
talks pretty well… I hope she gets to be even chattier, but she seems to
understand her words pretty well… But we love watching Tui! what a
wonderful bird!
she squeals just to say be quiet XD
i asked a parrot expert and he said they start talking from 1 years of age
1:53-1:59 lolz thats part was funny and how quickly she replyed aswell lolz
I think the tornado you’re referring to is the one that hit Greensburg KS
and IIRC, it was EF5 and struck the city at night, wiping out 95% of the
lol did he say aw shit!?
You are doing a great job with this bird. I really enjoy these videos. What
an intelligence creature.
hurricane….OH SHIT!!! Oscar for that gorgeous bird!
I love the tornado part and the “I want to squeal part.” Cute bird!
Yea dat is so crazy how he has da British accent
Oh the possibilities
Thats amazing how Tui knows all the answers to your questions!! Its
incredible! You asked Tui what happens when he makes loud noises, and he
responded with the consequence! Thats absolutely adorable. What an amazing
friend you’ve got there.
“what happens if you squeal?” “I’ll kick your @rse”….LOL
Tui..tui..tui..tui! Lmao.
awesome i tip my hat to you and tui
hahaha what a troll, squeals and then tells himself to be quiet to keep out
of the cage lol
Tui is soooo smart. I don’t know how true it is, but a bird person told me
that peanuts will make a parrot mean????? They certainly haven’t hurt Tui’s
intelligence. Thank you for sharing.
sorry it took a while, the subtitles feature come along with windows movie
I love how she says “sure” and “squeal” Love it!!
I love your bird and your videos. Keep posting more of Tui!!
con’t …. The police were no help to me. I think people give up too
easily. And greys are tough to recover, as they are nomadic by nature. I
only saw people referring to the fact that it is lost – I didn’t see where
you posted that. I don’t know the story, so I am sorry if the circumstances
were such that you have no possibility of recovering him. My grey was gone
for 2 weeks, and I got him back, none the worse for wear. He was 8 miles
away! Your Tui is phenomenal.
You can toilet train your bird by taking it out of the cage first thing in
the morning and holding it over the toilet. Encouraging it and rewarding it
when it dumps in the toilet help with the training. Two reasons for
this–birds don’t like to crap where they sleep and it is natural for them
to take a big dump first thing in the morning. Problem is that you need to
be with the bird all the time to watch it so you can take it to the toilet
when you think it is about to dump.
She does not actually go in the cage til about 15 times, I try to ignore it
now rather than comment on the squell
Ha hes adorable
Wooww such an amazing bird. I love her. “Be quiet.. Can I get a kiss..
C’mon! MMMMuua” Outstanding..
Lol mood swings
Are you Psychic? Sure! lol!!
aaaahhhh andrew…DARN….where and how are you, dear boy…so many people
care…i ache for you no matter what your circumstances are now…..please
let us know…..
wow! go Tui! now I am in a definitely better frame of mind to take on the
urban jungle than I was 10 minutes ago. What a character, thanks for
sharing him!
Tui should have a fan club,she’s so funny
Ahhh Tui, I love ya!